Refuse Derived Heating and Power Station, Germany
Projekt adatok
Helyszín: Spremberg, Németország
50-m-high power station complex in the “Schwarze Pumpe” industrial park.
Projekt követelmények
- short construction period of just 18 months
- massive concrete components, high loads and large heights
Glass Ingenieurbau Leipzig GmbH
Ügyfél előnyök
- universal scaffolding system, crane-moveable in large units
- time-saving, fast assembly of the heavy duty tower using system parts
- safe working platforms with sufficient head room using PERI UP Flex modular scaffolding system
Hanno Pradel | Klaus-Dietrich Koch
Site Manager | Site Foreman
The technical support from PERI is very competent and professional – and tailored to our construction site requirements. We chose the PERI UP scaffolding because it has universal application and can also be moved by crane in large units. With the VARIOKIT heavy duty tower we liked the simple and time-saving assembly using system parts and connections. Additionally, the towers could be pre-assembled on their sides and then lifted into position by the crane. The supporting system can be combined with PERI UP in differing ways in terms of working and protective scaffolding.
PERI megoldások
4 VARIOKIT heavy-duty shoring towers with a supporting height of 23.60 m and 560 kN standard load for projecting components
PERI UP scaffolding system with guardrail in advance as the basis for all access as well as the shoring and reinforcement scaffold on the site:
- type-tested shoring for supporting heights of up to 20 m
- stair towers up to 60 m in height with Alu 75 staircase
- walkways and landing junctions with PERI UP Flex
- PERI UP as crane-moveable reinforcement scaffold units of up to 10 m in height
Technical support tailored to construction site requirements
Alkalmazott PERI rendszerek